Thursday, March 20, 2008

The kitchen will now be cleaned

It is difficult to describe how depressing a filthy kitchen can make me, particularly if someone is responsible to have it ready before I moved in.

So I negotiated with that person to get in another person to the job, and yes, I'll pay. I was quibbling over whether AUS$3.75 for 2 hours work was too expensive, when I realised that life was too short - hang the expense!

So a lovely woman called Jo, is furiously scrubbing, mopping and wiping, spreading the dirt elsewhere.

I look forward to actually entering my kitchen when she is done.

Postscript: Yeah! I was able to enter my clean kitchen! No, next task - the hotplate plug doesn't match the power socket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're now getting somewhere with the cleaning. My TV room is quite spotless because, aside from our meeting, I've spent a maximum of about an hour in there. But things may change.