Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The course

”You need to be flexible and have a sense of humour” we were told in Melbourne. Well, on arrival in Jinan we find that the two classes for each of us of 20 students, has now changed to three classes of 26 students, that we share teach. This means a totally different approach to our lesson planning, to ensure that we integrate our teaching.

There is a workbook that the students will expect us to follow. (Unfortunately it is not yet available.) What we have to deliver and assess is quite prescriptive.

Today was my first day of teaching - 7:50 - 5:10. It went well. Although some students found it difficult to stay awake. (Not fair - this student was snapped listening to his MP3 player during a break time).

The program we are expected to deliver is the module "Compare and Contrast" in a course Certificate III ESL (Further Studies) designed and administered by the Victoria University, English Language Institute in conjunction with the Shandondong-Jianzhu University. The students are at an Upper Intermediate level, and in the first year at university. They live in shared dorms on the campus which is isolated and situated far out from the city. The Victoria University, through this joint project, hopes that some of these students might be interested in completing a degree in Australia - quite a costly undertaking for the student's family.

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