Fortune-Land International Hotel. A strange mid price "boutique" hotel with outrageous decor. Sadly, even though the place is only two years old, there is obvious evidence of lack of maintenance, so it will maintain its 3-1/2 star rating. The entry lobby looks as if the designer was worshipping magic mushrooms, but I think the objects on the ceiling are lotus flowers, with the lotus roots providing the down lights. I upgraded after the first uncomfortable night, to a beaut, quiet room, complete with bath. The red steel structures at the entrance portico light up at night, much to the amazement of the taxi drivers. I have never liked design for the sake of showing off, if it is not also apt and functional.

Hotels in this part of the world devote part of the space in a revolving door to a flower arrangement - I am proud of this photo. I watched a cleaning lady trying to clean the floor in a revolving door - I just wish I had a video for you! You will
see below photos of the two rooms,and why I preferred the upgrade!

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